Creating wavetables from scratch in Kilohearts Phase Plant
Last week we created wavetables by importing samples into Kilohearts Phase Plant, today we’re looking at creating wavetables from scratch.
In last week’s tutorial video, we looked at importing samples to use as wavetables in Kilohearts Phase Plant, the wavetable editor is also a fantastic platform for creating your own unique wavetables completely from scratch.
There are various ways to go about this, you can draw in partials or draw in a shape directly – either with a freehand or pen-tool for more exact shapes. You have the ability to draw in each frame of the wavetable or create a couple of keyframes and morph between those.
Like I mentioned in the previous tutorial, you’ve also got a bunch of interesting effects to apply directly to the waveform. I like to load up a simple waveform like a Saw wave onto all the frames and then apply the spectral filter or various effects to create interesting sounds.
One feature I didn’t get into in the previous tutorial is the ability to create automation between the different frames in your wavetable – this is particularly awesome for modulating the effects parameters and even better for the spectral filter.
<h4> The spectral filter tool…
The wavetable editor in Kilohearts Phase Plant has an incredible filter tool built-in, when coupled with the ability to automate the parameters it allows you to create a huge variety of sounds.
You can stack these up by applying them and repeating the process, or couple them with the host of built-in effects. Best of all, once it’s all applied it doesn’t mess with your CPU performance. This leaves a lot more room for further experimentation with the traditional filters and effects in the plugin.
For an in-depth walkthrough on how to get this going check out this week’s tutorial video here:
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