Meterplugs Loudness Penalty plug-in optmises track volumes
Meterplugs Loudness Penalty is now available as a plug-in.
We all know the feeling of listening to a track online that’s LOUDER THAN THE REST. This is something streaming sites combat by turning down said tracks to fit a standard level. This reduction is called the “Loudness Penalty.”
The higher the level of your music is mastered at, the bigger the penalty could be. But the various streaming sites achieve this in different ways and give different values, making it challenging to know how big our Loudness Penalty will be.
That is until Meterplugs created the Loudness Penalty analyser as an online app and now brought out a plug-in for this tool.
Loudness Penalty Plug-In
With the online app you upload the selected the WAV, MP3 or AAC file and within seconds they provide you with an accurate measurement of the Loudness Penalty for your music on four of the most popular music streaming services, plus a “ballpark” estimate for Apple Sound Check, which is used by Apple’s radio streaming service.
For the plug-in version you can optimize your music’s online loudness, pinpoint loudness pain-points, discover when it’s possible to turn your music up, avoid loudness indecision and preview how your music will sound online without leaving your DAW.
You can spot the moments that trigger the biggest penalty and tweak your settings to avoid them while retaining impactful, punchy playback.
For a limited time, get Loudness Penalty at the special introductory price of only $29.00 (40% off of original price of $49.00).
Check out the Meterplugs Loudness Penalty plug-in in action below.
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