FL Studio 20.7 includes cool new Visualizer plugin
FL Studio 20.7 was announced earlier this week and the standout new feature is the new Visualizer plugin that “allows users to select from a large menu of amazing YouTube, Instagram and Facebook ready video templates, click-and-drag to move text & other layers directly while in video preview.”
In a nutshell this means you’re able to create your own videos from inside FL Studio.
You can add lyrics, effects for you social channels etc.
FL Studio 20.7 also adds MIDI scripting which means unlimited controller support as you can customise how the controller uses the software and edit as required.
You can also customizable Piano roll note colours including an improved Colour Selector throughout FL Studio and audio warping is said to be faster.
FL Studio 20.7 New features
- MIDI Scripting – Probably one of the most important additions to FL Studio in some time. As it now allows MIDI hardware manufacturers (and customers) to support any MIDI controller. We have already seen from the pre-release customer testing phase a lot of activity in the MIDI Controller Scripting forum.
- Visualizer – Video content for YouTube, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook are now more critical than ever critical for artists to reach their audiences. The Visualizer allows creation of music synced video in all popular aspect ratios from landscape to vertical formats popular on Twitter and Instagram. To celebrate we are also running a contest with $5000 IL VCash up for grabs. Customers can enter by following this link to our forums: https://support.image-line.com/redirect/Visualize
- Note envelopes – VFX Envelope allows you to continuously modify note properties of native plugins inc. Velocity, Pitch and Pan, plus Mod X and Mod Y per note when plugins are hosted in Patcher.
- Improved colour management – Customizable Piano roll note colours including an improved Colour Selector throughout FL Studio.
- General MIDI files – You can now choose the FLEX General MIDI Library to open and play General MIDI files (GM).
- Audio time-warping – The Newtime audio editor has new Edit Menu options, Transient and Tempo to select the beat detection method for faster time warping of audio.
- Distortion – Distructor has new Mono and Wide modes added to the Chorus module.
- FL Studio Mobile – Updated to include Cloud Backup for easier file sharing with your mobile devices.
- Plugin Delay Compensation (PDC) – Now applies to Automation.
- FLEX – Previous and next preset selection is possible via supported MIDI controllers that can switch between presets.
- Advanced Fill Tool – Channels will automatically loop to fill the remaining space when the selected sequence length is shorter than the current pattern.
- Default template – Changed to ‘Basic 808 with limiter’.
- Reduced start time – The fastest opening DAW just got a little faster, because we care!
FL Studio 20.7 is a free update and you can download it here
[youtube_sc url=”https://youtu.be/_bBH_577trY”]