FL Studio 12.3 BETA – What’s new
When FL Studio 12 BETA was announced back in 2014 it came with host of new enhancements.
Now almost two years later they’ve still not dropped the BETA tag but have certainly made a lot of changes and improvements since they day users were invited to test drive the new version.
BETA 1 had some significant enhancements the most notable probably being the Real-time stretching of audio, the new Transient Processor plugin and the new Channel Rack which added new menu options.
FL Studio 12.2 BETA also has some cool updates but these were a bit less remarkable and a bit more maintenance related. The Channel rack was improved with an added “MIDI channel through” option and things like incremental scrolling in Playlist, Piano roll and Event editor were also welcome enhancements.
So what’s new in FL Studio 12.3 BETA? Here’s their list of all the main new features and improvements along with a bunch of cool videos Image Line have made to see FL Studio 12.3 BETA in action.
FL Studio 12.3 BETA New Features
- Razer Chroma plugin
- The names of existing Channels aren’t changed when dropping presets on them, and the “Auto name” option is OFF
- Type in value” for Tempo and Mixer track selectors now accepts actual values
- Fruity Limiter: Comp/limiter selector is now two tabs instead
- Renamed Mono brush to “Paint”
- Renamed Poly brush to “Paint in drum sequencer mode”
- Reverted “Paint” brush functionality to FL10’s (FL11’s behaviour with shift modifier)
- Don’t close event editor when effect slot changes
- Added “Size to fit” option to channel rack button size menu
- In the piano roll, the shortcut keys G, H, J and K will now go to the previous or next channel. H and J go to a used channel, G and K also go to unused ones.
- Use “Safe” colour picker for channel gradient colours
- Scale highlights is now set to “Black notes” by default
- Play truncated notes on transport is now on by default
Download FL Studio 12.3 BETA here
[youtube_sc url=”IaA1Cvu3eqg”] [youtube_sc url=”NH0EkLA-mMg”] [youtube_sc url=”Rr9-mMuYb0s”] [youtube_sc url=”Bc8D7vgLijg”] [youtube_sc url=”Yu555dTsnO4″] [youtube_sc url=”zn-d8cmCMos”]