Algoriddim djay Pro is now Windows compatible
Algoriddim djay Pro will allow PC users to join in on the djay party with their new Windows version of the DJ app.
Equipped with the unique touch capabilities presented in the Microsoft Surface range of computing, it offers DJ’s a distinct experience that combines desktop and touch interaction.
Algoriddim djay Pro provides DJ’s of all skill levels with a complete toolkit. This software seamlessly integrates with Windows Explorer, iTunes and even Spotify, giving you access to endless tracks- the eternal library.
The integration with Spotify will allow the user full access to what Spotify offers including existing playlists, saved songs, charts, browse and even match for song recommendations.
Algorridim djay Pro even streams an analysis of whatever track you’ve integrated from Spotify allowing you to see the key, BPM, beat grids and coloured waveforms, as well as majestic sound.
Interface and Tech Specs
At the core of djay Pro is its powerful DJ software interface.
Providing flexible layers of functionality it allows you to easily switch between 2 decks, 4 decks, sampler, and expanded library layouts.
The marriage between software and hardware offers an eclectic union and djay Pro is no different.
Naturally partnered with Pioneer DJ, Numark and Reloop, djay Pro seamlessly integrates with the hardware from all these manufacturers.
Here are a few more tech specs and features found in Algorridim djay Pro:
– Four deck mixing with horizontal/vertical layouts as well as crossfader assignments.
– Live sampling and preset editing.
– AAC/WAV recording
– Automix: Automatic, beat matched mixes.
– Queue and Playlist automation
– Automatic transitions
– Advanced DJ tools including sync, cue points, looping, skipping, etc.
-Audio FX with over 30 additional audio effects.
– Audio processing capabilities with advanced time-stretching (up to +- 75%), Pitch shifting, EQ, panning and highpass/lowpass filtering to name a few.
-Audio analysis including BPM and beat detection, flexible beat grids with dynamic tempo support and frequency-based coloured waveforms etc.
Algorddim djay Pro is certainly bringing the beat to the DJ kitchen.