Ableton Link compatible apps now available on iOS
The iOS apps compatible with Ableton Link are now available from the app store.
Loopy, drum machine Patterning, inter-app routing system Audiobus and Korg’s Electribe for iPhone are among the apps that at this time work with Ableton Link. It syncs various devices over a wireless network and allows them to seamlessly play in time. This means that setting up and jamming with others is as easy and spontaneous as playing in a live band.
You could be using varying instances of Live on multiple computers, iPhone apps, or a combination of any of those. Anyone is able to stop and start their part while the others carry on playing. You can also change the tempo and the rest will follow. You don’t need installation or MIDI cables, all you will experience is a free flowing sync that works.
Ableton Link was announced in November and has been built into the beta version of Live 9.5.1. Even though the technology was developed by Ableton, you don’t need Live in order to use it. That means that iPhone users can give it a go now.
If you are an app developer and would like to build Link into your app then they are opening up the doors.
“We want Link to help musicians connect and collaborate in innovative ways, so we’ll be sharing the Link SDK for free. If you’re an app developer who’s interested in joining the band of music-making apps that have Link built in, get in touch with us at”
This Ableton Link technology could mostly likely alter the way electronic musicians collaborate with one another.
Ableton Link is still in its developing stages and the compatible apps are only for iPhone users at the moment, but they have promised compatibility with Android in the future.
“I’m pretty confident it’ll be adopted as a standard. Reactions so far have been great. Once people actually get their hands on it and try it out invariably they say: ‘This opens the door to a new way of playing.’” Said Michaela Bürgle
If you would like to get involved with the Live 9.5.1 beta version you can check it out.