Support SAFE – South African Fund 4 Entertainment
Support SAFE and help fund individuals in the entertainment industry most affected by COVID-19.
The music and entertainment industry are among the hardest hit due to COVID-19, with more than 500 events cancelled or postponed over the coming months – and a devastating effect on event organisers, bar companies, vendors, suppliers, DJs, artists, creatives, venues, security teams, etc.
For these individuals who depend on social gatherings, there is no prospect of working from home.
Moreover, the road forward for the industry is looking to belong and arduous seeing as music and entertainment is last on the list of essentiality.
But hope is far from lost. Through organisations like SAFE, the South African music industry has mobilised and united to fill the gap.
SAFE and sound
Want to get involved?
All you need to do is engage with and donate to SAFE initiatives that will be hosted by the music industry’s finest curators and creators.
Rally your circle and get behind the initiative, enjoy what is being created online during this time of uncertainty to protect those worst affected by the temporary industry shutdown.
Your support will help the people behind the scenes that have worked hard to bring you some of the greatest experiences in South Africa. The true, unsung heroes who have in some way or another contributed to your most memorable experiences.
Donations will go to the hardest-hit- hourly-paid workers.
This includes but is not limited to barmen, waiters, technical set up crews, décor company set – up crews, security officers, cleaners, fencing staff, and more. The list is exhaustive, and the effect potentially catastrophic.
We’ve had a taste of a world without going out (events, bars, festivals). What’s gotten us through this time is the knowledge that we will once again be able to experience going out again.
But what will we go back to if we don’t support this industry when they need us the most?
Support SAFE now, so that we can save the music and entertainment industry.