How To DJ, a book by FutureDJs, coming this month
FutureDJs wants to show you How To DJ, all in a neat and concise book.
The book, titled ‘How To DJ’ is described as “the complete resource for anyone interested in the alchemy of mixing records,” is slated for release later this month.
The press release states the book is “aimed at the aspiring student with no prior knowledge as well as DJs looking to extend their skills and explore new genres”.
The book was authored by FutureDJs’ Austen Smart, Scott Smart and Tom Dent – who also teach DJing in the physical world through schools – the guide covers vital DJing aspects like beat-matching, advanced mixing techniques, using effects and scratching.
How To DJ features step-by-step instruction, guides and diagrams to genres and includes comments from professional DJs.
Practice makes perfect
As a clever addition to the book, FutureDJs produced a downloadable piece of audio where “every skill can be practised in a range of genres from house, techno and trance to grime, trap, hp-hop and drum ‘n’ bass”.
“To make music accessible to all young people and provide them with the world’s best electronic music education.
By teaching relevant, engaging and accessible courses in DJing, music production and more, they hope to help young people discover music and themselves.”
“This brilliant handbook will help you to develop your skills, musical understanding and sense of what makes DJing unique, exciting and important as a modern musical skill. Dig in and enjoy.” Dr Pete Dale, Senior Lecturer Music and Sound for Media, Manchester School of Art
How To DJ will be available on Amazon from 19 February.