New Facebook tech will allow you to type with your mind, hear with your skin
New Facebook tech is being worked on that sounds as futuristic as Google’s self-driving cars.
Facebook is a revolutionary think tank that is catapulting our society into the future and rapidly so. They are working on some next level tech at their “quasi black site” known as Building 8.
Type with your thoughts:
They will use non-invasive technology i.e. optical imagery to create the spatial and temporal resolution needed to carry out the task.
This will allow the user to type 100 words a minute using one’s thoughts. This speechless communication will lead to a world where we will be able to manipulate computers with our minds.
Don’t worry, they have clarified that this new Facebook tech will be able to discern between your private thoughts and those you wish to share- I would highly hope so!
Facebook, mindbook, producebook, any book.
With the evolution of this speechless communication it will develop from typing 100 words/minute to being able to produce musical tracks on the computer using your mind.
I’ve always thought about what it would be like if producers could transfer their visions directly onto DAW’s… it appears this dream is on its way to becoming a reality.
Another far-out yet closer-than-imagined development is being able to hear with your skin. Not only do they want to transmit speech, they also want to receive it in entirely new ways.
The new Facebook tech includes ‘developing new hardware and software necessary to deliver language through the skin.’
It all has to do with how the neural network that runs through the skin gives the brain the sensation of touch. We see how language systems like braille demonstrates the brain’s ability to decode language from a different sense.
Imagine touching something and hearing sounds?
This Facebook tech is the beginning of another very fruitful technological catapult from the social media giant.