Axl Rose tells Google to remove ‘Fat Axl’ Memes
Axl Rose is probably the furthest thing from dance music but this was too funny not to talk about.
According to Fact Mag Axl Rose has demanded that Google remove a bunch of memes that make fun of his rather full figure.
According to Torrentfreak these relate specifically to the images below taken by a photographer named Boris Minkevich in 2010 for Winnipeg Free press.
Rose says he owns the rights to the photos and therefore wants them removed from the internet. We assume what he means by ‘removed from the internet’ is removed from Google’s search index. But what about Yahoo or MSN search or any of the other search engine sites?
Just imagine trying to stop every individual posting these images somewhere. Or every media channel, like we have.
The notice reads as follows;
“Copyright image of Axl Rose. Please be advised that no permission has been granted to publish the copyright image so we cannot direct you to an authorized example of it,”
Platforms like Google and Facebook have their hands full dealing with millions of such DMCA takedown notices every week for content that is being contested for copyright infringements etc.
The funny thing about Axl Rose getting all huffy about the memes is that he’s actually just bringing more attention to himself. Someone should explain to him the transient and frivolous nature of the internet. These memes and the jokes around them will be funny for a day (or 3) and then disappear as quickly as the next funny meme comes along.
But as has been well documented and all Guns ‘n Roses will know; Rose is something of a nutcase and loves threatening legal action (or bodily harm) to people so he’ll no doubt persist with this.
Why not just hire a personal trainer dude?
And on that note here’s Axl Rose singing with AC/DC. Love it or hate it… it seems 50/50 among fans.
[youtube_sc url=”Kfrj1z7q3YI”]